The aim of the module is to introduce the concept of optimal strategic management. Strategy can present individual projects, which is influenced by the development of society (business, company, etc.,) in its material form. Specifically, the intentions of what to produce, in what quantity, quality, structure, when and for whom to produce or provide services. These strategies relate to the development of society and its material aspects.
The second form of the strategy is focused on the creation of methods, tools and actions to help and through factual 'strategies promoted and implemented. Between classes of strategies and management strategies there is a mutual bond and respect. Some kind of development plans are fully enforceable adequate management strategies and vice versa.
Strategy is a complex topic. In addition to that in no case there is “the only one and the best way” how to manage a strategic change. No simple technique or model can provide a right answer relating to the issue what an organization should do. On the contrary managers, as creators of a strategy can (and should) use a lot of available theories and concepts and adapt them to their particular situation and circumstances at companies and organizations, which they manage. Therefore it is important that managers continuously develop their ability of strategic thinking.
In the industrial field, which ended in advanced economics irretrievably, organizations were building their ability to survive in the future on gradual (incremental) development of technologies, approaches and daily operative activities. Strategy was conceived as a rational decision-making process, when organization resources were brought into line with opportunities appearing in the competitive environment (Andrews, 1971). The so-called “planning” and “positional” schools of strategy were used at most. Environment had a strong determining effect on the process of strategy creation at organizations (Aldrich (1979)). However we are witnesses and direct participants in the era of globalization and strengthening of dynamics and uncertainty of the environment. In order to be successful in the modern knowledge society in a long-term horizon, it must learn how to compete in a new way in this uncertain, dynamic and turbulent environment, where constant pressures for change exist. New opportunities (windows of opportunities) and also threats appear in increasing shorter intervals and therefore they increasingly require more rapid response.

Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA---
S European Business School spolupracuje od roku 2012. Vyučuje predmety Strategický management, Strategické techniky a analýzy, Tvorba podnikovej vízie, Management zmien, Project Management (v angličtine) a Innovation Management (v angličtine).