Private International Law, Choice of Law, Conflict of Laws, Applicable Law, Scope of Application, Uniform Rules, Contracts of Carriage, Consumer Contracts, Insurance Contracts, Individual Employment Contracts, Overriding Mandatory Provisions, Consent and Material Validity, Formal Validity, Scope of the Applicable Law, Incapacity, Voluntary Assignment and Contractual Subrogation, Legal Subrogation, Multiple Liability, Set-Off, Burden of Proof, Habitual Residence, Exclusion of Renvoi, Public Policy of the Forum, States with More Than One Legal System, Rome Convention, Rome I Regulation, Rome II Regulation, Entry into Force of the Regulations, Contractual Obligations, Non-Contractual Obligations, Universal Application, Tort, Delict, Unfair Competition, Product Liability, Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights, Negotiorum Gestio, Industrial Action, Unjust Enrichment, Culpa in Contrahendo, Rules of Safety and Conduct, Direct Action Against the Insurer of the Person Liable, Subrogation, Multiple Liability, Renvoi, Formal Validity, Burden of Proof.


JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D.

JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D.---

Lektor na European Business School SE a Ústavu práva a právní vědy

Je spoluautorem publikace Zákon o mezinárodním právu soukromém a autorem monografie Mezinárodní pojistné právo.