ID: EN-MNG-10-11-410
Module goal:
The aim of this module is to provide students with a general overview of the main tasks and challenges HRM faces in business practice, with its methods and tools as well as main development trends.
Module annotation:
The main objective of HRM is to raise organization’s performance through increasing the performance of individuals and their teams. In this regards, its tasks can be divided into two main groups.
The first group covers activities which the HR function performs in co-operation with line managers. HRM tasks falling into this group aim at help and professional support to line managers in conducting their people management functions, especially those with direct impact on company performance. Main examples cover help in job design, employee selection, employees´ goals setting and their performance review, as well as employee motivation and development planning. HRM support falling into this group can also concern assistance with change management projects with strong HR impact.
In these and related activities, line managers are typically accountable for taking right and timely HR decisions in accordance with general HR guidelines of the company and respect to its business objectives. HR managers are responsible for providing individual advice, cost control as well as overseeing line decisions concerning their compliance with company HR rules.
The second group of HRM tasks comprises covers broader, cross-functional tasks which the HRM typically conducts in close co-operation with organizations´ top management or for which it is commissioned.

doc. JUDr. PhDr. Zdeněk Fiala, Ph.D.---
se pohybuje v akademické sféře od roku 2007. Odborně se profiluje v oblasti správního správa.