To be able to apply Business Development in multiple levels. Areas such as but not limited to Research, Market/Marketing, Regulatory and Process Development. Ultimately be comfortable to establish and facilitate development of products and services.
Will allow students to develop its core operational abilities, and strengthen the leadership qualities by getting the knowledge, tools and skills needed to develop innovative ideas and strategies.
Module goal:
Business development covers activities that increase, or are intended to increase, the profit, production, or service potential of an enterprise. It demands innovative and creative thinking, proactive and risk-taking behaviour on the part of individuals, and is centrally concerned with the identification and exploitation of new business opportunities.
Purpose of the course is to explain that starting and developing business in not a “walk in” operation, that business development is a process of identifying, competing for, and winning new business opportunities and that developing new business can be an expensive and difficult, hard work activity which has to be managed professionally.
The specific aim of this course is to prepare students with skills involved in launching and leading businesses but also to use those skills to develop and run businesses or business units with a direction toward innovation, expansion and growth. The course is given in English.
Module annotation:
The module highlights key growth and development challenges facing contemporary firms. After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- describe and analyze the foundations of strategy and strategic perspectives,
- propose solutions to cope with internal and external strategic challenges and complexities,
- propose appropriate strategies to meet key dilemmas concerning for example innovation, product, process, organization, marketing and business models
- critically reflect upon the consequences of strategic choices and assess.

doc. PhDr. Ing. Jan Urban, CSc.---
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