The Executive Master of Business Administration professional educational programme, specialised on Business Development and Law, is primarily focused on medium and high management of companies and those, who aim at attaining such positions. The programme works with the experience of the students as well as enriching their knowledge. The programme follows the tradition of the first MBA programmes in that it uses case studies and the practical utilisation of gained knowledge.

Priebeh štúdia

In the course of their studies, the students complete a total number of twelve modules. The period of study is divided into three semesters (12 – 14 month) , each consisting of six modules (in the second semester, the sixth module is a dissertation). Some of the modules include three topical meetings during the semester, each one of which is 90 minutes long. However, they are not compulsory. The students prepare for the completion of their study obligations by undertaking topical meetings, attending consultations with the lecturers and self-studying on the basis of background papers, which are available online in the student section (every student receives an access password). The main study obligation of the students is to write a seminar work for each module. This seminar work is then assessed by the lecturer. The assessment also includes a verbal evaluation. Studies are completed by defending a dissertation and passing a final oral exam.


1. semester

Executive Leadership

(Ing. Miroslav Focht, MBA, DBA)

Strategic management

(Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA)

Managerial Accounting

(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)

Project management

(Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA)

Marketing Management

(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)

2. semester

Commercial Leadership (EN)

(Ing. Miroslav Focht, MBA, DBA)

International Business and Finance

(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)


(Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA)

Business Strategy

(Ing. Miroslav Focht, MBA, DBA)

Financial Reporting

(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)

Úhrada školného

Štúdium na splátky

95 000 Kč
Až 4 splátky
10 rokov tradície
Elitný lektori
Nadštandardné manažérske vzdelanie


Štúdium vo dvojici

84 000 Kč
Až 2 splátky
10 rokov tradície
Elitný lektori
Nadštandardné manažérske vzdelanie


Online studium

79 900 Kč
2 splátky
10 let tradice
Elitní lektoři
Kvalitní vzdělání


Podmienky prijatia ke štúdiu

  • Programy MBA, LL.M., MSc., MPA, DBA a LL.D. - ukončené vysokoškolské vzdelanie, a to minimálne v bakalárskom študijnom programe alebo ukončené profesijné vzdelanie aspoň v programe BBA; z tejto požiadavky sa dá udeliť individuálna výnimka v prípade preukázateľne doloženej dostatočnej praxe vo vedúcej či manažérskej pozícii.
  • Programy BBA a LL.B. - ukončené stredoškolské vzdelanie.
  • Úhrada manipulačného poplatku za administráciu prihlášky vo výške 3.000 CZK - poplatok bude pripočítaný k faktúre za prvú splátku štúdia.

Jak je hodnocen tento program?

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